Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Welcome to our Website!

Eden Way, Argie Avenue, Leeds, LS4 2TF

0113 3206290


School meals
Healthy school food helps your child establish healthy habits for life and improves their readiness to learn. Our school meals provide balanced, delicious and healthy choices for your child using seasonal, local produce wherever possible. You can pay for your child's meals using School Money, our online payment system.

The menu for the current term is displayed below. Our themed menu days make school meals even more fun, tasty and celebratory. We have themed menu days covering everything from Christmas to Eid to Sports Day to Yorkshire.

We cater for vegan, vegetarian, halal and other dietary requirements. Catering Leeds produce our food, fresh every day in kitchens. Catering Leeds cannot legally guarantee meals will be allergen-free even after allergen-ingredients have been removed from recipes. However, they will not intentionally use any tree-nuts, peanuts, sesame, or any product containing nuts/sesame as an ingredient within their food offer. Ingredients or items declared as “may contain nuts” are also excluded from menus. If your child has a food allergy or intolerance we will ask you to complete a special medical diet form. 

Children may also bring packed lunches. Fizzy drinks, chocolate bars or nuts of any description may not be included in packed lunches.


All children have access to chilled drinking water with their lunch and through the school day.

We provide a daily drink of milk to children in Reception aged under 5. If you wish your child to continue receiving milk in school after their 5th birthday you can request this from our milk provider.

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